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Every time we go to post an article some wild stuff pops up. The latest thing that came up is this #BanGTA6. It’s from Jackson Hinkle a guy I respect and mostly agreed with. First thing, I’m confused but understand parts of it. His issue seems to be the sexualization [...]

The 100 Hours Conspiracy

Jeez guys this is annoying now. We make these articles, go to post them and stop. Why? Something newer has come up that needs addressing. We still need to post our rebuttal to the #BanGTA6 controversy, which stopped us from running another story It’s that time of year and everyone [...]

What’s Best for Xbox?

We haven’t posted anything for a little bit on here. We’ve written a few articles but just haven’t posted them. There’s some good ones we need to share, but we need to address something first. We came across an article the other day, saying Xbox leaving the console space would [...]