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Astro Bot, Fake Love & Short Memories


So far we’re re liking Astro Bot, and we love a good platformer. But we’ve got some issues with Playstation fans. We need a bit of clarification about their preference in games and the reviewers standards. Where have you guys been?

We don’t have any issue with the game but the fans. The ones who post pictures of them buying the game. I heard people at one time, say that platformers are dead.  But I saw several of them go out and buy this game.

I really hate when people just post review scores and sales numbers. Then you’ll have people who will see the numbers and buy it just off that. Now it’s come out, only a small number have finished Astro’s Playroom and that was free with the PS5.

If these people are so into platformers, why haven’t they played Sackboy? It was PlayStation’s other platformer. The game came out and went under the radar. I always hear certain games are hidden gems or done wrong by reviewers, this one is absent.

Sackboy: A Big Adventure is on the same level as Astro Bot. Both games are very unique, but Sackboy is more of a traditional platformer. People always say Days Gone has a lot of care put in it, and we really disagree with that. If that’s true, then Sackboy has 10x that care of that but for the platforming genre.

Sackboy seems to be a harder game that Astro. It has a lot of variety of levels with different types of cloth and materials. You have levels with licensed songs that dance to new mixes of those songs. 

The game has one of my biggest wtf moments ever. Several levels have these chests with an orb you need to collect. When you walk up to the chest, you see its eye open and it starts running away.  You have to hit it before it can jump out of the level and kill itself.

Haptics wise, Astro is better, but Sackboy is not far behind. Story-wise Sackboy is easily better, as Astro’s story is very minimal. A Big Adventure has more content I believe, you have a single player, challenge levels and online or couch coop levels.

I’ve seen reviewers calling Astro Bot the PS5s Mario 64. I get the 64 comparison from a unique game and revolutionary controls perspective, but it’s not a console seller. Another said it was PS’ best platformer in the last 10 years. Sackboy captures everything good about platformers and puts its on spin on them, making something special. It does many of the same things Astro Bot does, and in certain cases better. Astro is more like Mario Odyssey and it’s unique, as it’s a celebration of PlayStation history, and finds new ways to use the Dualsense.

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