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  • The Concord Conundrum: Is It Any Good?

The Concord Conundrum: Is It Any Good?

We really need to get back to posting, we got your emails, though we prefer if you guys comment. Here we go again, we just tried the Concord beta and we told you so. When I first saw it and I called it copying Overwatch and people told me it’s nothing like Overwatch and other games.

Things have been getting funny lately. People would tell me it’s nothing like Overwatch, then they’d share a video of it. The video would look like Overwatch with Destiny gunplay.  Today we played it and it was exactly that. I wonder if these people ever played Overwatch or Destiny before. Since we were long time players of both, we jumped in with no problems.

The biggest difference is that the characters are generic. Overwatch’s were unique with their own back stories. Concord their trying to have Guardians of the Galaxy-esque characters and pander a bit. 

Gameplay wise it was pretty good but there’s balancing issues. Some guns need more ammo and certain powers need a little nerfing. The gunplay was tight and fluid just like……Destiny. One random thing I liked is the sound it plays when you die. Firewalk need to be careful and not let this go the way of Overwatch.

The maps serve their purpose but are nothing special. They seemed to have been play tested a lot, but are still just generic. They try to capture that Destiny space feel but with the verticality of Overwatch.

Will it be dead on arrival? I’d say no, but within a few months its going to lose most of its player base. They will going back to the games they came from that Concord took from. Which can be a good lesson to Sony to stay away from service games and cater to their base.

Now there’s a debate going on in the PS community if this should be free to play. For me if you were fine paying $60 for Overwatch you shouldn’t have an issue paying for this being cheaper. If it’s full of microtransactions and over-monetized, is what you should worry about. Personally I’d take a single player too and have some original non derivative characters, but the beta is good for what it was. I don’t like when PS people act like an exclusive has reinvented the wheel, when it didn’t. It’s good but don’t make it more than it seems. 

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