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  • The New Weak Gamer

The New Weak Gamer

There’s been one thing I’ve wanted to get to for a bit. I’m seeing this new trend often online and we need to discuss it. I’m talking about the modern weak gamer.

When I say weak gamer there is a few things you can think of. Specifically, I’m referring to those who are easily put off and discouraged by the irrelevant. But get online and want to jump into arguments and tell you this is why they didn’t buy “x”

One of the weirdest is the ones who said they didn’t buy a game, because the games community is “toxic”. Yes this is really a thing, I thought these dudes were lying. Somehow people talking crazy online makes you not want to play the game. Why are you hold yourself back from playing a great game?

I have come to the conclusion, that these people aren’t real gamers. No true gamer would ever let game boasting or console warring banter get in their way of enjoying something. I will concede console war banter on specific sides, has been co-opted by corpos and their console warlords aka influencers. The new console banter is now just a set of marching orders passed down from them.

It gets stranger, I’ve had people tell me they didn’t buy a whole console because of the community. They then admitted that’s where a lot of the games they want to play were at. To take that stance and abstain from something you like or interested in, because people on the internet say things you don’t like, is the definition of weakness.

For us we have some very unpopular opinions and will debate them. But the last thing we’ll do is read things people said online and skip a whole game because of it. Imagine during the 2000s console wars somebody said they wouldn’t buy a certain console because of its community. You would be getting looked at sideways like “what is wrong with you”.

It’s not just gamers that have gotten weaker, it’s devs too. I have seen several articles where a company that has moved, or tried to hire people who’d have to move is finding it difficult. The reason for it they don’t like the political leanings of the state. These weak devs and pseudo-gamers are super political. Their profiles are full of these flags and these assorted acronyms that have zero to do with gaming. We’ve seen several of which have meltdowns over political stuff, while the game faltered or just wasn’t that good

Look man just play the game, remember why you’re here….

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