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Cyberpunk 2077 Review

I played on the PS5. And I’m 50hrs in the game.

Did CDPR lie to us? Yes.

Do they get what they deserve? Hell Yes.

Is management out of touch after they called other devs greedy then got greedy? Absolutely

Is this the genre defining RPG? No its barely an RPG, but you can see all the potential and it sucks

For me this is the best if not one of the best stories I played through in a unfinished game. Seriously that story is riveting all the way through, and the side missions are just as good as the main game. Characters are great and the writing does a great job at building bonds between you all. Many times i felt the dialogue was going on a little too long, but they still made it meaningful. Though in most scenarios giving you the illusion of choice. The city has great verticality but I prefer the city of glass aesthetic of other Cyberpunk media

But this should’ve been delayed into 2021:

  • Glitches and Bugs
  • NPCs can look second rate ie Johnny and Alanah Pearce
  • Graphically inconsistent
  • Driving Physics are trash
  • Clunky Menus from the Witcher
  • If you play as a guy, Judy is the ultimate tease lmao
  • Gunplay needs work (makes zero sense hip fire is more accurate than ADS)
  • The Perk Tree & Augment Tree should’ve been simplified and combined into one (The one time you want them to rip off Deus Ex)
  • 80’s cars in 2077 makes zero sense and is out of place (Yes this is Mike Pondsmith’s view of 2020 from the late 80s, cool ik, but this is supposed to be 57 years after, they haven’t evolved the world since then)
  • Lifepaths were way too short and were meaningless, which if the they cut hours of prologue out which is what I have a feeling they did. They really should restore that full the full length of Lifepaths
  • I hate games where two of the same gun can have differing stats which is lame.
  • Economic woes, unless your money glitching those high end cars and weapons are a pain to get.
  • I don’t think this needed to be open world, make hubs and sections like Mass Effect and Deus Ex

VERDICT: Good stuff but unfinished and undercooked and to make deadlines corners were cut. Its better now but still not as good as previews

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