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  • Where does GameCube Stand?

Where does GameCube Stand?

I’ve seen several posts saying the GameCube was Nintendo’s best console. People comment saying that it wasn’t and basically, it’s nostalgia. My response is how isn’t it their best console?

Many of Nintendo’s greatest series started off on GC. Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Luigi’s Mansion, and Metroid Prime. What’s crazier is the best entries of many series were on the GC. This is based off of fan opinion. Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door, SSB Melee, RE4, Metroid Prime 2, Mario Kart DD, F Zero: GX. Many people feel that Zelda: The Windwaker and Twilight Princess were unfairly criticized back then.

Then you had unique titles like Geist, a paranormal FPS. Then you had the game, Eternal Darkness. They were both rated M and that’s rare for Nintendo. Donkey Kong had a bongo controller for the Donkey Konga games and Donkey Kong Jungle Beats. Didn’t Okami and MGS: Twin Snakes launch on the GC first?

The GC controller has to be the most popular of all time. It is the only controller that a company has added support for the next three consoles. To this day, it is the controller of choice for Super Smash Bros competitions.

People may wonder, why I didn’t get a GameCube. I didn’t get one because I saw it as similar to the PS2 I already had. I saw they had a bunch of unique games and played it at the kiosks. However, Xbox caught my attention with Xbox Live. It was so cool you could play online and talk to people. No need to buy memory cards when you had a hard drive. The new Tom Clancy games sealed the deal for me.

Why did the GameCube fail? I say it was because it was one of the best consoles ever fighting against the best console ever. Xbox was in a similar situation.

Would the console have been more popular if it had DVD? I’d think so, cost would have gone up, but they could’ve still probably been cheaper than PS2, this would’ve allowed devs to port games more easily. Or just have a version with a DVD for playback like the Panasonic Q.

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