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  • The Far Cry 6 Review: I Don’t Remember Making

The Far Cry 6 Review: I Don’t Remember Making

Alright people say I’m too negative when it comes to gaming.Apparently 95% of games that come out I label as meh or trash is too high of a number.My response to that is if the only thing that has improved is graphics and world size while everything else has fallen below the waist side I can’t criticize it? And also you can enjoy something despite criticism. This is how we keep devs in check while also influencing with our wallets. 

With that out of the way lets get into Far Cry 6. I actually was looking forward to this game because it has Giancarlo Esposito as the bad guy and the voice protagonist returns. I don’t trust Ubisoft games amongst other publishers anymore. So I paid for Ubisoft plus  in order to try it out. What do I think? Its the same Far Cry we love but weighed down.

Despite the performance issues that a patch will be coming for,  the Fx Super Res is able to  stay over 60fps in quality mode on a Ryzen 3700X and an RX480 at 1440p. Changing resolution caused a black screen a few times. And also the benchmark froze the game and I had to kill the games process despite already closing the game the music was still playing .

 For the game itself, the gunplay feels a lot better, similar to how it was in Far Cry 4. I thought Far Cry 5 had some of the worst gunplay of the series.I’d say potentially the best of the series. Strangely no one has pointed that out in the reviews that I’ve seen. Nor have they pointed out the new peeking system where you can shoot from behind cover. I like the atmosphere of this fictional Cuba if you will and the music. And as a Far Cry fan, I love the Far Cry DNA. I thought Far Cry 5 was trash with its generic story and having to fill up a meter in each region to lure out the boss. For me FC3 and 4 were the peak of Far Cry, with my very unpopular opinion that 4 was better than 3. Far Cry 2 was a cool physics and idea showcase. Now back to this review.

So what did I not like? First after the first hour of hand holding despite choosing the  setting for Far Cry veterans at the beginning. I haven’ finish the story, but everyone’s favorite word is Guerilla this and Guerilla that. This whole story seems to be going down that route of campiness.

The graphics if I’m being honest I’m not particularly blown away by. When you look around you’ll see quite a bit of the flowers and vegetation appears to have been ripped from New Dawn, with the saturation turned down. It also seems the increased amount of vegetation around the map seems to cause unnecessary visual clutter to areas. The screenshot above is prerelease not retail

But the biggest thing that holds this game back in Ubisoft. This new design philosophy that has made many of their newer games feel the same is on display. They’ve put RPG elements in the game and it has the same exact effect as it has done on Assassins Creed and Ghost Recon. The level based combat has been used to artificially extend the game’s length. You got all these menus for crafting, similar in look and feel to that of Destiny. And lets not forget the clothing and accessory options with modifiers. Stuff like this just doesn’t belong in a Far Cry game. Its pretty immersion breaking when you have a conversion with someone to get a mission and the conversion takes place in a Destiny menu. Think of when you’re buying from Xur, but this time he’s giving you mission instructions.It appears crafting and basebilding have taken a more prominent role to increase game length as well.These RPG elements have replaced the skill trees. All this stuff adds up to make the game a repetitive chore, while the player strives to find a payoff in the form of the game getting fun. Unfortunately that chore doesn’t go away

IIn short this game appears to have been made to cater to casuals who love RPGs like the Witcher and Zelda and cosmetics for their characters.This game isn’t a buy, I’d say pay the $15 on Ubi+ or Gamefly, because as Far Cry fans this game isn’t made for you. Yes it does some things better than 5, but there’s a lot of regression and a loss of the Far Cry Series’s identity along with that. If you can get passed all this go ahead and try it. Remember if you guys like it I love.

VERDICT: The games doesn’t respect your time, don’t respect its. Boring, broken, generic and what might have been? Is what comes to mind

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