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  • OMG Xbox Sucks Now!¡¡

OMG Xbox Sucks Now!¡¡

Theres a lot of people who don’t like what we say on here, and this is going to be another time they don’t. I have told you people these gaming journalists and Youtubers care nothing about gamers. They are just extennsions of a company’s PR department or content strategist trying to make money by seĺing false hope and lying. This last week has proven this yet again,

You’ve had all these gaming media pundits that have changed their tone. They’re now saying that Xbox has lost its way and is making bad decisions now. This only comes after MS decided to close multiple studios they liked. One of these members of the gaming media made a trilogy of videos saying Xbox did something dumb and hes face palming. This is the same dude who who praised Cyberpunk 2077 at launch, but when people started criticizing it, he made a video doing this soon after.

All this time, they were nothing but disingenuous and quiet about Xbox’s problems. Now they would criticize something like Redfall, though some defended it. They were quiet about GamePass’ quality control and lack of subs until now. Praised meh games like HiFi Rush, which was meh for an Indie game. Built unnecessary hype for bad games or ones they didn’t play, then gave them good revviews. These people didn’t even mentioned the times Phil Spencer got on these livestreams and disrespected Xbox fans.

We here again were Xbox fans going back years. We were suspect of when Xbox was going to bring games to PC day and date………in 2016. The idea of development being compromised was in the back of our head. We were one of the very first subs to GamePass, 2 years before it was being talked about. When it was announced all exclusives were coming to GP, I wasn’t really for it. How are they going to keep quality up? Maybe they’ll some competition between their studios to make the games good. We saw all the bad far before they covered it. So they either don’t game, don’t pay attention, here for the money or all the above. Its cool if your here for money just be honest about it.

Back to now, they want to keep their subs and engagement as Xbox is about to die. So now they’re changing their messages and content from the brand they helped destroy. What do call something that uses another to benefit, while the thing it benefits from suffers? Thats called a parasite. Also notice not one of them have mentioned nor accepted the part they played in Xbox’s destruction.

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