Actual Forgotten & Hidden Gems: Resistance 1 & 3

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A few weeks ago there was a rumor about a possible Killzone remastered trilogy. I commented on it and some folks got mad. All I said was stop asking for remasters and the Killzone games were overrated. Then I made commenters even more mad when I told them that I put Resistance and Socom ahead of Killzone. I always felt Killzone 2 looked good but was clunky, repetitive and all the levels blended together. Despite the praise, every entry has always felt off to us. On the other hand, Resistance 1 and 3 don’t get the credit they deserve.
Resistance: Fall of Man I regard as a masterpiece. Easily a top 15 best shooter, and it brought such a unique setting and ideas. It was a launch title and many people have forgotten about it. The first level started out as generic but then it got really cool. Its not the Halo killer people wanted it to be, but it didn’t need to be.
The game is set in England during a 1950’s alternate history where many world events didn’t happen. The story is told through flashbacks from a British woman that your character, Nathan Hale saved. She describes his accomplishments against the Chimera. Hale was once a regular soldier that was attacked and infected with the Chimeran virus. The usually puts people in a coma and the Chimera take their bodies to conversion centers and change them into Chimera. Hale’s body resisted and he wakes up able to still fight but he has changed.
Resistance doesn’t get the credit for their A.I.. They often throw a bunch of enemies and they are finding every way to shoot you. If you don’t use cover, you’re going to die a lot. It sometimes can feel unfair with enemies respawning, but once you beat a level it feels very satisfying.
Gunplay is really good too. Guns all have alternate functions that are unique, and there was one that I thought would break the game, and actually didn’t. I’m referring specifically to the Auger lets you see through walls and shooter enemies through any surface. The main Chimeran rifle lets you hit someone with a marker and all your bullets will fly toward, no matter where the gun is pointed. The main assault rifle you get feels very good.

I happened to see a video on YouTube, where a Half Life lover reviewed the game. He said the first Resistance hadn’t aged well and was very 2006. I agreed that the vehicles sections weren’t the best, but the rest I had issues with. I played the game a year or two after he did and had a great time.
I find it strange PC people regard Half Life so highly and they give it credit for stuff it didn’t do. They say it was the first first person game where there was a proper story and NPCs talked to you. This isn’t true, System Shock came out in ‘94 and did everything better, though that was an Immersive Sim in first person. You had games like Cybermage and Strife that also did a better job than Half Life. Thief came out later that year also was better, given it was a stealth imsim.
Back to Resistance, most series criticism is about the second game. I remember watching the games alt history trailer over and over before it released, and then got disappointed. The boss fights were crazy but they went after the mainstream crowd. There was a 2 weapon limit and they changed the controls. I like when a game can have a different control scheme but still feel good. I liked when the first game had the crouch tied to the left trigger. Then there was the enemies that would kill you with one hit. It got even more annoying because they were invisible. There is a very unique ending to this game, though how it get there is a bit contrived.A lot of people loved this game because it had 8 person coop and 60 player multiplayer modes.
I regard Resistance 3 as a hidden gem. It went under the radar and wasn’t as good as the first game, but it was still enjoyable. The biggest problem with the game was it needed more development time. There was a push to put 3D, coop and motion controls in games which came at the cost of story, characters and levels. The game still uses the CoD style controls but the gameplay feels great. They bought back the ability to carry all the guns at the same time. The enemies are still pretty lethal but the ones that came in R2 have been toned down and there’s no one hit kill enemies. Overall the AI seems like it was dialed back a bit. There’s also the small town America locations and feel from the second game that make it unique.
The story starts off in Oklahoma and it’s after 90% of humans are dead. Nathan’s friend Joseph Capelli from R2 has married Hale’s sister and had a kid. But the Chimera attack his town and scientist from R2 returns saying the Chimera opened a wormhole in NYC and are using it to cool the planet, making it more habitable for them.
Locations are pretty diverse from a St. Louis street battle to a Pennsylvania coal mine, there’s even a boat and train level. I enjoyed playing them, but there’s a genericness to them. It’s like they didn’t have time to completely flush things out and simplified stuff. If there’s one thing I don’t like it’s the sound when you get health. It’s a little too loud and theres some green on the screen. I think that was done for PS move, so you don’t have to look down at the health bar. The other thing I hated was the game had this slightly cartoony look in places. Plus they kept using the same transition asset between areas. It’s a piece of sheet metal you pull back to move to other parts of the level

Resistance did something not many shooters I can name have. It’s where when you finish you don’t feel like you beat it but you only survived it all. I don’t think the third game sold well because Sony didn’t really market it. Similar to what they did with Dreams and the Vita. I highly recommend people pick Resistance 1 and 3 up or play them on RPCS3. Crying a game is trapped on a console and needs remastering is lame. RPCS3 is the PS3 emulator where you can run the first and second games at higher resolution with 60fps patches. Be sure to install the game updates to it or rumble will go halfway through. R1 was so good that didn’t stop me from finishing it. R3 can be partially played on emulator but freezes at a certain point and you can’t progress.