The 100 Hours Conspiracy

Jeez guys this is annoying now. We make these articles, go to post them and stop. Why? Something newer has come up that needs addressing. We still need to post our rebuttal to the #BanGTA6 controversy, which stopped us from running another story
It’s that time of year and everyone is ready for the holidays. We have many people sharing the games they played this year. MS and Sony have cool graphics you can show others. All was well and good but then it hit me.
I’ve looked at several people’s screenshots of their play time and I’m scratching my head. How did you put 100 hours into this game, but only have a little bit of achievements? I’m not talking about the difficult ones, I’m talking about ones that you should’ve gotten early on. Something seems a little off.
I have to ask, are some of you leaving the game on and not playing it? Then you come online to show off how you’ve been gaming hard this year. Is this a response to when guys were pulling peoples profiles? I do know some people buy small indies to quickly 100% and make them look like bigger gamers then they really are. This idea isn’t that farfetched
If you bought a game and played for a few hours, didn’t like it and then put it down, I understand. I’ve had a few games where we didn’t play them for too long, but enough to see issues with it and stuff we didn’t like. We didn’t spend a hundred hours on a game, and have a few achievements. It’s not just one guy doing this its multiple. There’s one specific game I keep seeing people showing off their one hundred plus hour play time for. I have a feeling folks got their marching orders to do this because this whole thing seems fishy.