
Every time we go to post an article some wild stuff pops up. The latest thing that came up is this #BanGTA6. It’s from Jackson Hinkle a guy I respect and mostly agreed with. First thing, I’m confused but understand parts of it.
His issue seems to be the sexualization of women in it. I had this issue too, I was wondering why is Lucia in a bikini? And why is a chick twerking while ghost riding? I find it problematic because this is the same company that goes for all those popular political stances and the leaks the dev team was developing a female lead and working to avoid any stereotypes and negative depictions of women. Plus Take Two wanted to get rid of the “frat boy culture” at Rockstar
Now, we do disagree with banning the game and acting like Jack Thompson. However, it does raise a point of the multiplayer and monetization are targeted at young kids pulling at mommy’s wallet. It’s an M rated game, but let’s not pretend how easy it is for kids to get a hold of that content. As kids it wasn’t hard to get a hold of such content, like getting in an R rated film. The parents do bare most of the blame for buying this stuff. These new gamers aren’t the same as the early ones. They’re easily manipulated, don’t ask questions and not forced to use their brains, so exposing them to certain stuff can be worse for them. This is why if you give them an open world collect-a-thon or a dumbed down cinematic game its amazing, 10/10 or GOTY.
Why is it when companies make female leads now they lack characterization. Many of whom are dead batteries who don’t grow, they’re just magically the big fish. She knows everything and she is the one great that holds the keys to the universe. Cait in Gears or Aloy from Horizon for example. Many of these movies and games end up leaning on other random stereotypes they sought to avoid. They’ll also try to take male motifs and apply them directly to women. Ironically many of these bland leads are written by women, many professed feminist. They’ve gone as far as making characters less attractive to “avoid objectification”.

Men never have ever had issues playing as women. Tomb Raider, Perfect Dark, Metroid, Aliens, No One Lives Forever and Final Fantasy.. These games were critically acclaimed. How many men have played RPGs as women characters?
What did we think of the trailer? It was underwhelming, it looks like a higher res GTAV. Nothing really blew me away, usually characters seem interesting and in this they didn’t really intrigue us. It almost looked like the trailer for the next GTA Online update. I’m still interested in seeing where the story is going and if anyone is coming from Los Santos. They’re saying 70% of buildings can be entered which sounds cool. That and a massive map can lead to the story falling by the waist side. We are hoping that doesn’t happen.