What’s Best for Xbox?

We haven’t posted anything for a little bit on here. We’ve written a few articles but just haven’t posted them. There’s some good ones we need to share, but we need to address something first.
We came across an article the other day, saying Xbox leaving the console space would be best for the industry. As much as I hate what Xbox has become, it’s not a good idea. Less choice is never good for consumers. Without Xbox providing some form of competition, Sony may well start adopting MS tendencies.
A good example is when AMD was losing to Intel in performance and market share. People saw them as a better lower cost option to Intel, up until the Ryzen 3rd gen. Between the 2nd and 3rd Ryzen generations, Intel started hitting delays and losing market share. Then for the 5000 CPUs, AMD started charging premium Intel like prices for its chips.
Folks will tell us Nintendo will still be around. You’re right they will, but Nintendo and Sony don’t exactly compete in the same spheres. Sony and MS are about graphical fidelity and Nintendo isn’t. Nintendo is about fun cartoony games that can be played on the go. They’re not about graphical fidelity or cinematic experiences, just good gameplay on low spec hardware.

The writer of the article doesn’t seem to know Xbox wants to leave the console business, and become a big third party. Today it was confirmed by the CFO, they’re looking to become like Sega. Sega leaving consoles was to save their business. They had made bad decisions with the Genesis add ons and the Saturn, with bad timing killing the Dreamcast. MS comes off as ready to use Xbox’s console failing as the reason to leave in 2027. Almost taking the Sega’s failure as a model to be followed. It wouldn’t surprise me if Xbox blames its fans as why the console failed or “less market share in an increasingly competitive space”.
Outside of the financial, there’s another difference between MS and Sega’s situations. Let’s say Xbox leaves in 2027 and the fanboys are saying dedicated hardware is an old way of thinking, are the games going to get better? 1st party games have gone downhill and everything is delayed, Sega actually had a good library. MS is more concerned at giving YouTube influencers marching orders, talking about value, and buying companies.
The best way forward for Xbox would to be to have them spun off from MS. Forcing them to compete without MS subsidizing them, bringing back quality. So the best thing for gaming isn’t Xbox leaving gaming, it’s Xbox leaving MS.
Xbox management and MS have zero idea what they’re doing. They think gaming is like other forms of entertainment and Gamepass can be its Netflix. Netflix is only alive because of its high stock valuation besides that it’s in debt. Former Netflix execs were even on the Xbox board for awhile, how do they not know this? Many of their new strategies were tried by others years ago and failed. It makes no sense the last great Xbox game was 9 years ago with Sunset Overdrive. How many third party exclusives has Xbox let go of?