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100%’ing Games….Why?

Since achievements and trophies became a thing, I never got people’s obsession with them. I felt it was ok and sometimes they’d pop up and detract from a game. Telling you before the actual game ended before it had actually ended. Gears of War had this issue and I didn’t care for it.

Achievements for beating a level would pop up before the final cutscene of a level. How hard is it to wait til that cutscene is over? It can be a bit immersion breaking, taking away part of the mystery of what’s coming next.

When I first got a 360, I thought your Gamerscore and MS points were the same. Which sounds cool that you can trade your achievement points for stuff on the marketplace.

I recently got my first platinum and it was everything I thought it was. Getting all achievements, 100%ing or platinuming a game is just not something I do. There’s people who brag about it and it’s good for them. But it’s an unnecessary waste of time to me.

I’m here to have fun with a game. 100%ing usually requires you to change the way you play. If you’re playing an RPG, you may have to start a new character. Some trophies will require you to use an ability you don’t have. You may have to make a different choice than what you did in the story. So that’s a new playthrough.

Open world games are the worst for 100%ing. This one of the ways devs pad out games for the ”hardcore”. They’ll make it so you have to discover every little place across the world. They’ll make you farm to get a certain resource or number of kills of a certain type of enemy. Then there’s the get all of a certain collectible or read all documents ones. Sounds like a grind to me.

My Platinum only came because I had gotten close to it already. This was my 4th playthrough across 3 platforms. So I decided to get the last few trophies. Even then I felt like I was going against why I played the game. I was skipping cutscenes and convos and not caring about the story.

Only trophies anyone should be worried about are the ones that show you’ve progressed through and or beaten the game. Then we can look at how much time you spent playing a game. It’s cool to see the crazy achievements and wonder people did them. Like if you have to achieve certain speed in a car or something. But the grinding ones are a no go for me.

Don’t change the way you play for a lil recognition. This isn’t a job, don’t treat it like one. Have fun. If you want to 100% a game, go for it. It doesn’t make anyone more of a game than the other.

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