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  • We Need To Discuss Prey

We Need To Discuss Prey

I always see so much praise for this game but I honestly just think it’s ok. The idea of a space ImSim with some horror sounds great. I like mimics, shooting, the song in night club, Gloo gun the resource printer and unique door codes. The game has some cool visuals like when you’re floating through the mesh they use to communicate. Why they called it Prey is beyond me. It’s a spiritual successor to System Shock but it’s not as good.

The respawning of enemies in cleared areas like the main hall is annoying. Loading screens are ridiculous and hurt pacing. The level design has its moments but not blowing me away. The outside space and zero G levels just felt overly clunky, Ik it’s space walking but that was a little too much. Has anyone notice the inside of the elevator looks lifted from dishonored. There is a massive lack of characterization when it comes to everyone including Morgan. I can’t remember anyones name.

The ending twist was………lame, there were some genuine stakes and just got thrown out the window. This is also one of those games that overstayed its welcome, that last 10-15% wasn’t needed. I would’ve liked to have seen the then do the whole Groundhog Day idea in the trailer and beginning as well.

Prey Mooncrash again this gets hyped up and you had folks say that it’s an evolution of the ImSim genre. Be warned, Roguelikes and time sequence games are being made today as a cop out for devs to reuse the same levels over and over. If you don’t believe that well what came Prey? Deathloop that did what? Anyhoo mini rant over my point is MoonCrash is just ok as well. But this should not be seen as the next evolution in the genre. I’m not a fan of Roguelikes, but it was decent for what it was. Personally I think it would’ve been better for one character to have to find five totally unique ways of escaping and not blocking off paths

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