The Starfield Ultimatum: Xbox in Peril Part ll

There’s been a sentiment going around Xbox circles. Now some of the GamePass is king journalists are saying Starfield is make or break for Xbox. It just shows that the fanboys and journalists aren’t that different and many of them are one and the same.
For years most journalists or YouTube journalists have touted GamePass as the “ Microsoft’s Industry disrupting strategy“. Subscription services for games have been a thing long before Gamepass. And these services never really took off like that and eventually died out. Now GamePass has peaked around 25 million subs and MS is losing money, these same journalists and twitter non gamers are bragging about its revenue, when they don’t know the numbers. They engage in the word games of profitability and sustainability as if they were the same. I’ll express it in this handy equation. The phrase “paid“ will serve as revenue, and “shill” will serve as expenses..
Profit = Paid – Shill
In reality sustainability means your ability to keep something going, while profits or profitability is the ability to make money from something. Profits can sustain something but all indications are Xbox is losing money and it’s being sustained by MS money. Phil used the word profitable only once for 2022. This was when no first party games came to Xbox all other years the word was sustainable. The Twitter non gamers and journalists don’t know the actual numbers, yet these folks are accountants.
Now what does this have to do with Starfield? These journalists and TNGs claim its make or break for Xbox can’t see how they’re acknowledging they’ve been lying the entire time.
Make or break means something has been on the decline for a long time and this is the final chance to fix the situation. To give some context Hifi Rush came out and was praised, the praisers didn’t play and it flopped. Pentiment, Scorn, Halo Infinite and The Medium all had the same fate because of them. Even saying its make or break, your wrong, Xbox is dead as we know it. It’ll never be the same company that it once was and the console war is over.
Now do I want Starfield to be a good game? Yes, all I want it Fallout 4 in space with more choice in what happens in the game. This seems reasonable but I just get the feeling we’re not even going to get that. Plus I’m calling it’s going to be a broken mess. I get the feeling there’s going to be a ton of excuses as to why it is. I also believe the base game without the glitches will probably be trash too. It’ll be a generic dumbing down of the games that came before it. The gameplay we’ve seen has been meh with glitches and its been delayed twice shouldn’t have.
The other day, we had the ResetEra co founder now Xbox deflector, came out and said that Starfield isn’t going to get fair reviews. He claims that people want to give 7-8.5 so they can say Xbox is trash again. In his mind 7-8.5 is a bad score. Then in a roundabout way, this dude acknowledges the media as being paid shills for Microsoft giving trash games good scores. He honestly doesn’t realize what he’s saying because he the goes to praise Phil Spencer’s interview where he said Xbox isn’t in the business of making good games. Then goes on to say that he cares nothing for Activision Blizzard games and hes looking at it from not a gamer but, an Xbox content creator standpoint. This also can serve as a self fulfilling prophecy when know a game isn’t going to be that good so you can now be like “ I told you guys they’re against MS”. Sounds like a shill to me.
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