The Reality of PC Gaming & The PCMRs Great New Ally
I find it strange how the so-called PC Master Race always finds itself ripping on console gamers, when PC for the most part is overrated.
PC gamers will find themselves bragging online they built a gaming rig for $2,000 for example. This is to play the same games that a person paid $400-500 to play on console. Given, games can look better on PC and run a higher frame rates, it doesn’t justify the cost.
The framerate advantage has come down with new generation of consoles. Many games can do 60-120fps at 1080p to 4K. The PC still does more but again the gap is narrowing.
When you look at the steam specs survey, the most commonly used GPUs are the GTX 1650, 1060 and 3060. The first two are multiple generations old and new consoles offer better performance. The 3060 is around where the modern consoles are, though I say a bit closer to 3070. These guys PCs aren’t blowing consoles out of the water like that.
PC gamers seem to play mostly old and F2P games. The top 5 are CS:GO, Dota 2, Apex Legends, PUBG and Rust. Not saying these games can’t be fun, but most people on PC don’t even play the games they rip on console players about that are so much better on their platform.
Another thing I don’t get is why PC dudes will brag about PC over console, when PC ports are usually bad. A lot of companies don’t put a lot of effort into the PC ports. So you’ll have to run the game much lower setting to get a stable frame rate. That’s not the PC players‘ fault, but it’s the reality of the situation.
PC does have mods and yes, they can be used to fix a game. They can be pretty cool fan made expansions, such as the Portal Reloaded. There’s all those cool GTAV mods, where you can flood the map, be Iron Man, or use real world cars. Mods can modernize old games, such as the new 3rd person mod for MGS2. But again, I’d say the cost still doesn’t justify it.
PC is awesome for back compat. I have to beg to differ on this subject. While yes you can theoretically play any game on PC. However, you have download all these user created patches just to run. You have to do specific edits to an ini file to get modern resolutions or worse you’ll have edit a hex file. Or you might have to spend hours searching through old forums to find a fix for a glitch or crash. That may sound like I’m exaggerating, no I had to do this several times. In fact, GOG is a store that sells old games, but you have to read the comments to find how to get the game running. They can fix the the game or just give you the instructions on how to?
Heres some further reality checks for PC. The last time people were going out and building PCs like that was the original Crysis in 2007. Ive had more fun emulating old console games on PC then playing PC games on it. You can make old games look much better and you can get texture packs.
Now the PCMR has found a new ally in talking down to the console clique. If you can believe it PCMR and Xbox fanboys are now joined at the hip. And they even are using the same talking points. They say exclusives are anti-consumer, back compat trumps PS, brag about 4K and frame rate. When you look at these dude profiles they either don’t game, they play the old or F2P games and or own a PS5 or Switch, which they play more. Most times dudes don’t even play the games they’re bragging about. We’re at the point when an Xbox ‘community influencer’ can proclaim shes a gamer because she watches her boyfriend play
Going back to the exclusive is anti-consumer is how you can tell an Xbox fanboy. This is the recycled ‘Why are you mad an exclusive is coming to PC, that means more people can play” PCMR point. It’s funny you’re talking ill on a console and exclusives, just to jump in to defend it coming to your platform so you can buy it. Somehow you’re crying when you wonder why a console maker is doing this and that it’s not a good idea. PC guys really will whine and say pirated games and used games are the same. You point out their insanity, they’ll say from a dev standpoint. Are you a dev? No? Then, what are we doing here? Devs are concerned about piracy not used games. Greedy publishers tried several times to make more money off used games with stuff like the online passes.