The MGS Remake Problem?
I just saw the video above from Max Derrat, discussing an issue with the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake. He points out there are issues that come up and no one is talking about these. The video kind of threw me off.
I’m also a big MGS fan myself. I started playing them late but I really got into them. MGS4 is the best one in my eyes. It showcased the power of the PS3 and had features we haven’t seen in a game since. People always cry there are too many cutscenes. My response is And????? The gameplay and story together to make one awesome experience.
Do I think they should’ve started with 3 to remake? No but I’m fine with it but starting with 1 would be best from a story point of view. But then this is where Max starts to miss his own subject.
His big concern is not for MGS3, it’s for the following up of it with MGS1. How are they going to do this? Citing the camera, campaign length and map structure. Have you not seen the Resident Evil remakes? It’s not hard, you had the faithful yet tedious RE2 remake, with some random changes. Then they literally dumbed down story and made the map smaller in 3. Then took out the nemesis choices, the worm and the clocktower out of the game. And it sold well, though it was criticized by longtime fans.

Going from MGS3 to MGS1 he’s concerned with how do you go to a smaller game but keep value of it. This is the problem with modern gamers and gaming. They’re more concerned with the length of something, than the quality of that time. Of any series, MGS shouldn’t be the one you’re concerned with value about. You should care if a game respects your time. The Order 1886 was short, but it provided a great experience and was to me the best PS4 game of 2015.
How should they remake 1? Simply by giving the game MGS5’s combat and camera. Remaking the original games cutscenes. Maybe giving you the option of having a top down camera. A good remake should take the original upgrade the graphics and remove any clunkiness with the gameplay, missions and level design. With the later two being kept to a minimum and done only when needed.
For MGS1, I was going to concede, some levels may need to be a little bigger, like the first battle with Ocelot and the Mantis one in the office, Then I remembered, they already have many areas that were remade to go off of which they should use and Max forgets. In MGS4 you revisit Shadow Mosses and relive old moments of the first game. The areas made the transition fine. In fact, there’s a boss fight where you fought Sniper Wolf.
He then asks how would you change it. Why would you change it? You don’t need to add anything to it. He then goes on to talk about the key activation part of MGS1. They don’t need to cut that out of it, why would you? Change the way it’s done to avoid it being annoying. My biggest issue is he’s saying they’re going to need to pad out the game gameplay wise. Bro that’s called filler and it doesn’t need it. Nor does it need to be an open world like Kojima said. If they want the game to have more value, here’s an idea: make a bunch of VR missions and have coop.
Though he mostly skipped 3 to talk mostly about 1. Remaking 3 is as simple as giving MGS5s gameplay and letting you move the camera while walking. I honestly think they chose 3, because it would be the easiest to remake. For the camo system, that can be fixed too. In MGS5, you use the D pad, to access weapons or items. To do this you press the D pad left or right, for camo have it on the down. Then scroll through them in real time and have the camo ratings being done in real time. I don’t want the Octocamo, it has been invented yet and seems a little out of place. Level-wise, you don’t really need to change anything.
I have zero issue paying $60 paying for any of the MGS remakes. I know what they are and the value they hold. This is if they stick to the original games foundation.