Medal of Honor: Rising Sun is a Hidden Gem? Yeah no

I saw a video the other day that sent me for a loop. I was taken back to my earlier years of gaming, to a game that burnt me to no end. That game was Medal of Honor: Rising Sun. On YouTube, Joe: The Alternative Gamer claimed that this was a hidden gem and he replied to my comments saying I was wrong for calling out that this was a bad game.
MOH: RS came out off the heels of MOH: Frontline and AA, so I was hyped for this game like no other. I’m like they don’t do pacific games like that and this is about to be Frontline in the far east.
Went to the video store and rented it and my God, this was horrid. W-Where’s Jimmy Paterson? Why am I bored? Why does this game play so……bad wtf? The game starts off ok at Pearl Harbor and your putting out fires on a ship and you go top side and start shooting planes, it didn’t blow me away but was fine. Then came the rest of the game.
The game has good ideas but it fails to realize them. They have a flying tigers mission, one on a Jap carrier, and one about Yamashitas Gold. The issue is they have bad level design and lack that soul that Frontline instilled. Another cool idea is when you need to infiltrate a Jap-German meeting in Singapore, you have a silenced pistol that can hold only one round. You meet your contact and he gives you a ride on his rickshaw which is then hit by a car and you have to start shooting. O ok that’s random and after that the entire mission falls flat after getting worse and worse.

The easiest way to describe MOH:RS is a game that feels like a meh mod to Frontline or a game made by EA:LAs dev interns. Should’ve been delayed by at least a year and was one the first modern day EA rushed releases, though at this time they cared more for customers.
The game also represents something I’ve seen countless times, where games that were bad or ok years ago are considered good today.