Forza Horizon 5 GOTY? You thought

Sorry I’m late Xtards claimed in 2021 Forza Horizon 5 was snubbed by the Video Game Awards for not being in the Game of the Year category. These people have literally zero idea what they’re talking about about.
One, racing games never get put in the GOTY talk. I don’t remember any racing game ever getting in that. Only thing I can think of would be early racers in the 90s that were radical for their time like Gran Turismo.
Two, Horizon isn’t even the best one of the series. All of them for most part are by the numbers copy paste games with a new gimmick or slight upgrade from the previous. The best one was Horizon 3, it took a unique map with the best soundtrack in the series. Many times I booted up the game to just cruise around.
Three, Horizon 5 hasn’t even done anything to what Test Drive Unlimited did….15 years beforehand. TDU had a 1:1 scale recreation of Hawaii. To drive around the outskirts of the map took a hour at full speed. They had bikes and many dealerships to buy from. In the cars, you adjust your, lights, and put windows or roof up or down.
In FH5 you select a character. In TDU you completely customize they with licensed apparel. FH5 you buy homes to spawn and nothing more. TDU you can go inside, customize the layouts and furniture. Afterward you can invite your friends over to listen to music and play pool. They even had a casino for you to play in.