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Assisted Rendering PoC Dissertation – Classix

As much as I think cloud gaming sucks. I did manage to preview and conceptualize what I call assisted rendering techniques. The abstract reads as follows:

The purpose of this passage is to propose a project for a new startup company I’m privileged to be the CIO of. Lextek, the company I’m apart of has put me in charge of proposing a new project for the company. Information for this project comes from sources which have a background in the streaming of content, security, databases, website design, software development, cloud services and the use of the cloud to further the abilities of video games and other mediums. The proposed project called for an assisted rendering service managed by a website, database, cloud servers, and desktop utility. The goal is to give those whose personal computers incapable of achieving high fidelity graphical visuals or high frame rates in games the ability to do so by utilizing cloud computing.

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