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  • Norse God of War Thoughts: People Got Mad

Norse God of War Thoughts: People Got Mad

God of War Ragnarok and ’18 is a 10/10. Idk what games reviewers and PS people are playing but nah. This is a regression.

The cinematography and visuals are great

The combat and platforming are just boring and basic. Geoff Keighley really said 2018 and this had best in class combat? Thats just delusional. Its mid of the road pseudo souls copy.

Level design is literally just a narrow path with small openings you need to slide between to go into a square battle arena. Theres also some hubs. Which that could be how ps4 is holding back 5

Characters are just boring and bland. And for Sony and journalists saying this and 2018 humanized a more mature Kratos. Please stop. Kratos is more one note and bland than ever. He talks but doesnt say anything. They have zero idea how to humanize. It was like they just a kid in and thought that would do the job. Despite the fact, he was already humanized before and while being a god. OG trilogy showed not only Kratos’s anger but self loathing, regret and sadness, people forget. He lost his original family and relatives was trying to kill himself, then he even lost Pandora. And dudes are saying in the new ones “Kratos has something to lose”. Were u here for the first 3? And hes kinda turned into a wuss, he thinks they can hide from Ragnarok or wait out Febblewinter in his house……..what?

All these recycled enemies have unnecessarily large health bars. Even these small minow creatures. In 3 for example new enemy types are introduced all the way through that game.

Skill trees and RPG elements just weigh down the game and hurt pacing.

Kratos rage function is almost like an ape beating its chest. Lacking that feeling of anger and power of 3

The bosses dont feel like the bosses in 1-3 theres a lack epicness and novelty, covered up brilliant visuals and to pretentiousness. And the interactions are contrived. Kratos killed Thors sons and Thor and Odin show up at the door and they have drinks. Thats literally the scene. There was no stakes, no underlying tension building naw. You fight Thor after Kratos rejects peace despite wanting to stay secluded in his home to wait out Ragnarok. Huh?

Also can we please dead the “Its not bad its just not for you” argument. Folks use it out of context and when you point out glaring issues with something objectively. Its for subjective stuff or for games in genres you dont care for. Example I dont like RTSs, so I cant say C&C is bad its…..not for me. Not if you’ve gotten used to something inherently bad

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